I have never had such a specific reading with details like Carla offered.


Was spot on about my ex. She told me that he was angry with me about the divorce, he is. She told me there would be one more angry upset and outburst before it is totally over. She could not have known that. In fact, there is one last financial transaction that he wants to do one way and our therapist and money manager are advising another. It will probably be upsetting. She told me I will need to play hardball with him. She explained that my ex really doesn’t know much about how to have relationships and saw me only as an extension of himself to be kept in a cage and he is mad and doesn’t understand why I didn’t like the gifts he gave me. She told me I married him for status – which was true. I wanted so much to get out of the poverty I was raised with.

Carla had no information about me other than my birthday and my name, and she talked about my interior design business and staging. This is EXACTLY what I have been doing & have a passion for! (Carla knew nothing about this until after our session.) When asked about writing, she said “self-publishing” and some book about myself. I happen to be in the process of writing a memoir, as well as, self-publishing a design book.

When I asked about my mother’s health, she told me she saw cancer – possibly in her lungs. My mother recently had hip surgery, and is healing slowly. Carla tells me this is because she sees “smoke” around her lungs and it has not been diagnosed. My mother smoked for many years… a fact Carla was unaware of during this reading. She tells me that she may have little tears in her lungs, and if she should get pneumonia – she will have a hard time recovering.

Carla, told me my father is dark – all “smoke and mirrors” and has done stuff I don’t want to know about. (I have no doubt that is true.)

In fact, I resonated with almost every thing she said. It felt warm to be validated in the concerns and worries I have had, as well as, hope and encouragement toward the areas of my life I am interested in improving. I have never had such a specific reading with details like Carla offered.

I will definitely call again soon.


Austin, Texas

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Published by Psychic Carla Baron

Internationally renowned psychic/medium ~ star of "Haunting Evidence"(truTV), "MysteryQuest" (History Channel), “Psychic Hollywood: The Search for Truth” (E! Entertainment), "Dead Famous" (Biography), MTV's FEAR, "Psychic Detectives", ABC's Primetime, WE tv, 20/20 on WE

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