First off, Carla nailed what had happened in the past without knowing I already knew the situation. It was amazing how accurate she was!

Wow, Carla, you are really good! First off, you nailed what had happened in the past without knowing I already knew the situation. It was amazing how accurate you were. You also described my cat perfectly. She has become a real ‘diva,’ thanks to our spoiling her. You gave me advice on my future, whichContinue reading “First off, Carla nailed what had happened in the past without knowing I already knew the situation. It was amazing how accurate she was!”

Carla knew immediately where my doubts were coming from. She told me things that I wasn’t willing to see, but already knew in my heart…things she would have no clue about.

First of all, I’d like to say that I am by no means a skeptic when it comes to spiritual or psychic abilities. I am a life-long believer and totally intrigued by the whole idea. This was, however, only the second reading I’ve ever had done. When I bought the session, I was praying thatContinue reading “Carla knew immediately where my doubts were coming from. She told me things that I wasn’t willing to see, but already knew in my heart…things she would have no clue about.”

What Carla said about my business growing to be international is amazing. What she told me about certain people in my life was revealing. The personalities and experiences with these persons was spot on.

I had my reading with Carla a couple of days ago and I really felt a connection with her. The way she spoke to me during the reading let me know that she is a straightforward yet compassionate person. She does not say things just to make you happy. She tells you what she genuinelyContinue reading “What Carla said about my business growing to be international is amazing. What she told me about certain people in my life was revealing. The personalities and experiences with these persons was spot on.”

The information Carla gave me is helping me to see more clearly so I can view this relationship for what it is and has given me true hope for a more fulfilling life.

I signed up for my first reading with Carla after seeing some tweets and comments from others. Feeling gutwrenchingly confused with a relationship, I decided to pay for a reading via paypal from her website and within an hour I heard back from her. Wow – her responsiveness is sooooo refreshing and I was ableContinue reading “The information Carla gave me is helping me to see more clearly so I can view this relationship for what it is and has given me true hope for a more fulfilling life.”

I just had my reading with Carla. The reading was amazing. She answered questions I had, and ones I didn’t even realize I had.

I just had my reading with Carla. The reading was amazing. It answered questions I had, and ones I didn’t even realize I had. She told me what would HELP with my health, and more importantly – which things I’m doing that are making my health worse! The best part for me was finding outContinue reading “I just had my reading with Carla. The reading was amazing. She answered questions I had, and ones I didn’t even realize I had.”