It was my first time having a reading done. I couldn’t have picked anybody better!!


It was my first time having a reading done. I couldn’t have picked anybody better!!

(I think that’s where Grandma came in, she picked you for me.)

You felt like you could have been my sister from out of provence.. you felt like a guide I wanted to keep, and I will continue to follow you. It brought me so much comfort – I know I’m struggling, and to have someone I just met point out EVERY detail. I feel comfort, a peace ahead.

There’s light in front of me if I just embrace it, and with your guidance today – 2014 will be the best year of my new life being Me.

Thank you for connecting with my Grandma. I had a lot of guilt that I couldn’t be part of her last days, that maybe she didn’t know just how much I love and miss her. I am in tears from what you said – that she’s always with ME. And I’m in tears you gave me a window into her life. I only saw her shadow once in my life, a couple times I’ve felt her. I guess I was so lost in my ‘toxic,’ I thought I lost her.. lost everything. But I was only losing myself.

It made me laugh when you spoke about too much “yeast” in my system (pastas, breads, sugars.. without me even saying a word to you!) I guess my days of ‘4 large subs a day’ is over for sometime. I thought that feeling was happiness, but it’s illness. Since it’s the beginning of a new year – I will try to drink a bottle of water a day, I will go for a power walk, and look into exercises I can do in a large room.

As for “healing others,” I knew quickly you were right! I never saw my own gift because I was sinking underneath it – but I’m going to look into nursing homes or community homes, and sit there with them and hear their stories, comfort them – give them a warm friendship. I will feel a great weight lifted for myself.

I cant wait to get fit, heal others, cut off my yeast habits, try Agrisept and feel alive and not so sloggy. Last, but not least – that darn “N” word – “No.” I will learn that word this year, and it may just be a better friend than I thought!

Time to save up again for a 3-hour session. (Half an hour wasn’t long enough!) When I came across Carla, I wasn’t sure half an hour was for me, then I thought maybe half an hour WAS for me. I was scared of what she was going to tell me.. how she was going to tell me. I thought I’d try a 15-minute session, but what if she had more for me?

I wrote down a list of questions, nearly close to an ‘interview.’ (Nothing like.. if I was going to win big or anything.) I downsized the questions that I knew my spirit was screaming for help with, and I’m so glad for myself that I picked a half hour! I learned next time it has to be longer.

With Carla today, my spirit feels refreshed, I feel comfort, guided, a road to healing, positive.

I love you Carla!!!

In life we have many guides, each have a job. Carla, YOU are a guide.. YOU are their voice.

P.S. I went for that walk, I extended it a bit longer. If it wasn’t for you following me on twitter, I don’t know where I’d be! Still got teary eyes, you are magic. Thank you ♥


Regina, Saskatchewan


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Published by Psychic Carla Baron

Internationally renowned psychic/medium ~ star of "Haunting Evidence"(truTV), "MysteryQuest" (History Channel), “Psychic Hollywood: The Search for Truth” (E! Entertainment), "Dead Famous" (Biography), MTV's FEAR, "Psychic Detectives", ABC's Primetime, WE tv, 20/20 on WE

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