Carla read that she saw the trip “sometime in the fall and sensed this would be outside the state – possibly up north.” Carla was again very accurate – my sister is getting married in Boston in September. There was NO WAY for her to know any of this.


I had another reading with Carla and the first thing she told me was that I am cleaning house in my life and leaving behind what no longer works for me. She stated this is an “all or nothing time for you, either it works or it doesn’t.” She explained that I am clearing out space in my life and it’s make it or break it period that I am going through. Carla has no way of knowing that this was the reason for my call as I have been feeling like there has been a lot of endings in my life and many things coming to an end. I gave the man that I am seeing a fall deadline to make a decision to be with me or leave me alone. Her statement “indecisions are gone” is a very accurate statement. She had no idea about the fall deadline being in place. I felt that Carla really connected with me and what I have been going through lately. I have had to make tough decisions about who remains a part of my life and who does not. She helped me understand this is a necessary step in order to reach a new level of love and a new way of experiencing life.

The man I am seeing told me that he feels like an “F4 tornado” has come through his life and he needs to pick up the pieces. I did not share this with Carla. In the reading she explained that the man I am seeing feels overwhelmed and can barely handle what he has at the moment. Carla had no way of knowing his statement to me and how he felt. She confirmed that he wants to make a change in his life and is tempted to leave everything behind and go for it. She predicted that my love life will explode around the fall time frame.

She then said I was going to take a trip in the fall, and that during this trip, he would bring up the topic of marriage. Carla read that she saw the trip “sometime in the fall and sensed this would be outside the state – possibly up north.” Carla was again very accurate – my sister is getting married in Boston in September. There was NO WAY for her to know any of this.

She stated the fall was going to be filled with many changes. They are all good changes, and no matter what form this takes – I will not feel as if I have been slighted. She kept telling me to keep doing what I’m doing as things will work out.

I just adore you, Carla!

Mitzi, from Alabama

Psychic Reading Testimonials

Published by Psychic Carla Baron

Internationally renowned psychic/medium ~ star of "Haunting Evidence"(truTV), "MysteryQuest" (History Channel), “Psychic Hollywood: The Search for Truth” (E! Entertainment), "Dead Famous" (Biography), MTV's FEAR, "Psychic Detectives", ABC's Primetime, WE tv, 20/20 on WE

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